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Curriculum Plans

We are passionate about our curriculum!  Our Intent is that it meets the needs of all our children, reflect high aspirations, respect, creativity, British values and strong personal and social development.

The EYFS and National Curriculum are the strong core of our study and we ensure that the statutory requirements set out in these documents are met. We have also supplemented and shaped our curriculum taking into account and accommodating the needs of our children at Ninelands.

The curriculum we have created is underpinned by three drivers which set us apart from other schools, showing how we are different. They define the work that we do with our children, giving focus to the learning opportunities we offer and reflect our educational philosophy and current priorities.  

Our three drivers have been chosen in consultation with key stakeholders and are as follows:

Respect, Creativity and Aspiration

You can see our curriculum plans here, each one progressively building on the skills and study of the previous year or unit. If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please contact the school office who will be able to direct you to the most appropriate member of staff to assist you. 

Subject Progression

 PSHE - progression.pdfDownload
 RE - progression.pdfDownload
 Science - progression.pdfDownload
Showing 11-13 of 13

Curriculum Plans

Showing 1-6 of 6